1.1. These rules apply to participants in the "Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon" event.

1.2. The organizer of the event is Runners Club Events and the Runners Club Association.

1.3. The "Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon" event will take place between April 5-6, 2025.

1.4. The Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon races are open to all interested parties, respecting the conditions imposed by the organizer.

1.5. The registration of participants is made by online registration on the www.maraton-cluj.ro website

By registering and participating in this event, participants agree to comply with and comply with all provisions, terms and conditions of these Regulations and the legislation in force applicable on the date of the event.

Runners Club Events and Runners Club reserve the right to amend these Regulations, depending on the changes made at the legislative level, including by introducing additional restrictions regarding registration and participation in the event, if the situation existing on the date of the event requires it.

1.6. By signing the registration form or ticking the appropriate box during the online registration, each participant:

– declares that he/she accepts, understands and agrees with the terms and conditions of participation in the Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon, as well as the competition regulations;

– declares that he/she has read and agrees with the Privacy Policy regarding the processing by Runners Club Events and the CS Runners Club Association of personal data, including regarding the processing of the photo and video image used in the promotional materials of the event;

– declares on his/her own responsibility that the data filled in are real and that the person is physically fit to participate in the competition according to the conditions of this Regulation;

1.7. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse the registration and participation in the race, for objective reasons.

1.8. Online registrations are made until March 16 ; validations will be made between March 16-18. After these dates, the invalidated registrations will be canceled.

1.9. The competition route is described in the dedicated section on www.maraton-cluj.ro


2.1. Participarea la Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon se face pe proprie răspundere, în deplină cunoştinţă a capacității de a participa la eveniment, a stării de sănătate fizică şi mentală. Este necesar ca participantul să aibă 16 ani împliniți la data desfășurării evenimentului.

2.2. By filling in and sending the registration form, the person who fills in the form declares on his/her own responsibility and assumes that the data filled in are real.

2.3 Prin completarea și trimiterea formularului de înscriere, persoana care completează formularul își dă acordul ca Runners Club Events si Runners Club sa procedeze la colectarea şi prelucrarea datelor sale personale (numele, prenumele, adresa de e-mail) pe teritoriul României, direct şi/sau prin împuterniciţii şi/sau partenerii contractuali ai acesteia în scopul de a participa la campaniile promoţionale şi de informare derulate de către Runners Club Events si Runners Club, în scopul promovării evenimentelor organizate sau co-organizate de Runners Club si Runners Club Events.

2.4. If the registration form is completed by a person other than the participant in the event, the person who completes and submits the registration form assumes responsibility for the veracity of the data filled in and assumes full responsibility for having the participant's consent for his/her registration for the event. The participant in the event for whom the registration was made by another person, is responsible for the correctness of the data filled in and that he/she meets the conditions required to participate in the event.

2.5. By filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the Competition Rules, the participant assumes on his/her own responsibility that he/she is clinically healthy and that he/she does not suffer from any condition that prohibits him/her from participating in the event or jeopardizes his/her health during the event and assumes full responsibility for participating in the Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon.

2.6. By filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the Regulations, the person declares that he/she has fully understood what participation in such a competition represents, whose route involves/may involve road traffic during it.

2.7. By filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the Regulations, the participant in the event declares on his/her own responsibility that he/she is in a suitable form to participate in an endurance competition, such as Wizz Air Cluj-Napoca Marathon, so that the organizers, as well as anyone related to them (sponsors, partners, employees, authorities, officials, volunteers, etc.) are exonerated from any liability in relation to any claims of the participants and or successors, of any nature, for possible injuries, illness, death or any other medical problems that may arise during the course of the competition.

2.8. By filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the Regulations, the participant in the event declares on his/her own responsibility that in the event that events such as those described above occur during the competition, he/she will bear all the expenses incurred by the transport to a specialized medical unit and declares that he/she waives any claim in connection with such transport and/or emergency treatment, delays or deficiencies in relation to it.

2.9. By filling in and sending the registration form and accepting the Regulations, the participant in the event certifies that he/she has understood and accepted the measures imposed by the Organizer for the development of the event and accepts the risks of participating in a mass event.

2.10. If the registration form is completed and submitted by a person other than the participant in the event, by filling in and sending the form it is considered that the participant in the event has given his/her consent to registration and that he/she has accepted that he/she meets all the conditions for participation provided in this section and these Regulations.

2.11. Each participant is responsible for his own security and safety. The organizers, partners, sponsors, volunteers and staff participating in the organization of the event are not responsible for any kind of injury, death or damage of any nature that may occur during or as a result of the event.

2.12. It is recommended that participants have accident insurance, valid for sports competitions.

2.13. Participants have the obligation to listen to and respect the indications/instructions of the organizer and the competition staff.

2.14. Regarding the participation of minor children in the event, by filling in and sending the registration form, the parents or legal guardians of the minor child declare on their own responsibility that they agree with the participation of the minor child in the competition.

2.15. The parents or legal guardians of the minor child registered in the competition declare on their own responsibility that they have been informed about the risks involved in the participation of the minor child in the event and that they assume full responsibility in the event of an accident occurring during the event. The organizers, as well as anyone related to them (sponsors, partners, employees, authorities, officials, volunteers, etc.) are exonerated from any liability in relation to any claims of the participants, their legal guardians and/or their successors, of any nature, for any injury, illness, death or any other medical problems that may arise during the course of the competition.

2.16. The parents or legal guardians of the minor child registered in the competition declare on their own responsibility that the data filled in the registration form are real, that the minor they represent is medically fit to participate in the race for which they have been registered, that the minor they represent has the physical training, adequate mental and technical skills to participate in the race for which he was enrolled; that he/she has become aware of the legal implications of the participation of the minor he/she represents in the event and assumes full responsibility, in the event that my child/the minor he/she represents is involved in an accident.
