Online registrations are possible until March 16, 2025 or within the limit of available places. 16 martie 2025 sau în limita locurilor disponibile.
Tipuri de competiții:
Maraton 42.2 KM
Semimaraton Parapet 21.1 KM
Cros 10 KM
Ștafetă 4 x 10.5 KM Stay Strong
Cros 4 KM Mindera
Family Race Mega Image
Taxa de participare asigură dreptul de a participa la eveniment la oricare din probele de mai sus. Taxa este compusă din cheltuieli operaționale de înregistrare în baza de date a participanților, de validare, de atribuire număr, serviciul de cronometrare și de organizare a evenimentului, medalia la sosire, asistenta medicala și donare 10 lei către cauza aceasta.
Account RUNNERS CLUB EVENTS SRL / Unicredit Bank IBAN RO42BACX0000002309287000
Participants can request:
refund of the registration fee by 28 februarie 2025, at the latest. After this date, the fee is not refundable.
transfer of registration to another person by 28 februarie 2025
transfer between events by 28 februarie 2025
After March 1st, no changes can be made to the list of participants (nor transfer between events).
The kit cannot be sold and is not the property of the registrants. Registration in the competition ensures the reservation of a kit that is physically handed out only to the participant in the competition.
Race number + timing chip
T-shirt (the size of the t-shirt will be chosen by each participant at the time of registration. Depending on the manufacturer of the t-shirt, the dimensions may vary. Also, given the fact that registrations close after placing the order for the competition t-shirts, the organizer does not guarantee that the size of the t-shirt in the kit corresponds to the one chosen by the participant at the time of registration.)
Access to leaderboard and reports
Finisher diploma: to be downloaded from the event’s website.